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3020 Dougall Avenue

Windsor, ON N9E 1S4, Canada

4065 Tecumseh Rd E

Windsor, ON N8W 1J7, Canada

Myofascial Release

Myofascial release (MFR) refers to the manual massage technique for stretching the fascia and releasing bonds between fascia and integuments, muscles, bones, with the goal of eliminating pain, increasing range of motion and balancing the body. The fascia is manipulated, directly or indirectly, allowing the connective tissue fibers to reorganize themselves in to a more flexible, functional fashion. The purpose of the myofascial release is to release restrictions (barriers) within the deeper layers of fascia. This is accomplished by a stretching of the muscular elastic component of the fascia, along with the crosslink, and changing the viscosity of the ground substance of the fascia

Evidence shows that MFR is safe, effective and designated to be utilized with appropriate modalities, mobilization, exercise and flexibility programs, neurodevelopment treatment (NDT), sensory integration and movement therapy.

Myofascial release treatment can help in

1. Chronic pain

2. Backache and pelvic imbalance

3. Neck & shoulder pain & tension
4. Headaches
5. Jaw discomfort, teeth grinding & clenching
6. Sciatica
7. Carpal tunnel syndrome

8. Tennis & golfer elbow
9. General discomfort & muscular spasm

10. Trigger point formation

11. Muscle tightness and muscle spasticity

12. Dizziness & vertigo

13. Menstrual discomfort

14. Fibromyalgia

15. Planter fascitis

16. Sports injuries

17. Frozen shoulder

18. Whiplash

19. Post surgical & injury scarrin

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